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Protecting the Ambition of Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders

We embrace the rapidly changing, the challenging, the pioneering, the revolutionary, the sustainable, the agile, the leaders, the visionaries, the creatives, the growth gurus, the geeks and the gifted. Championing the brave and backing the bold we exist to protect the high achievers and the boundary breakers. Offering a bespoke approach to understanding your unique risk profile.

We are the risk protectors
for the risk takers.

Every business faces innumerable risks.

Make sure you don’t miss one.

Every risk you face has the capacity to inflict financial loss on your company.

As a growth-led business, you embrace risk. You wouldn't be where you are now if you’d taken every possible step to avoid it. Our job is to support and guide you through your options on how to deal with it. We work with you to identify risks and bring clarity on how to best manage them.

Our goal is simple. Protect the company balance sheet, cash flow, reputation and directors’ personal assets. As you drive your business forward, the risks change and grow. Identifying, understanding and assessing their potential impact is vital.

Areas of Practice

  • An in-depth audit of business risk versus your current insurance. We challenge existing arrangements to assess their effectiveness. Insurance policies often remain largely untested by claims. We work from the basis there’s no point in spending money on insurance policies if they won't pay out when they’re needed most. We then use our considerable experience and insurance company access to negotiate improved policy cover and cost-effective pricing.

  • An insurance programme’s failure to meet a large financial loss will raise questions from investors, non-executive directors, bankers and other stakeholders. As a part of a business governance exercise, we carry out a highly confidential review on your behalf. The aim is to test existing arrangements provided by your current broker in a way that doesn't upset your relationship with them. CCR is focused on the big 4: cash flow protection, balance sheet protection, company reputation and directors’ personal assets protection. The final report is substantial, detailed and reassuring

  • Assessing your existing broker’s service and technical ability can be tricky. It can be useful to ask other brokers to compete, but this means leaders are given many different views, recommendations and pricing. So which is best? We can act as your independent adviser through the whole process.

  • We can assess general risks arising from contractual agreements, fire regulations, supply chain, chemical storage hazards and others.

  • A financial risk report can help identify and manage specific financial risks, some of which may not be obvious. Our financial audit challenges, checks and reminds your finance team across areas such as cashflow management & forecasting, potential fraud exposure, working capital procedures, staff systems, cost control, automation & technology use and financing arrangements.

    We partner with innovative companies in this space to ensure you’re protected.

  • Information technology and data systems are at the core of all businesses and their security is paramount to your reputation. The increasing risk to directors and their businesses through changing legislation and the value of data needs to be fully assessed. Our audits test and support the tactical, operational and strategic risks you face by evaluating people, processes and technology.

    We partner with innovative companies in this space to ensure you’re protected.

  • Your people are integral to your business, but they’re pone of the most common areas of business disruption, cost and time. Our employment risk audit will help you implement safe and practical working practices. We provide in-depth assessment and help with issues like employment contracts, disciplinary and grievance procedures, restructures and redundancies, safe working practices, dispute resolution, recruitment and employee vetting. In addition to the audits, we can provide ongoing support as HR Managers.

    We partner with innovative companies in this space to ensure you’re protected.

  • Health & Safety is vital, but its complexity is a minefield. A failure of health & safety systems can badly damage your reputation and employee morale. We work with you to assess your current standards and implement cost-effective plans to ensure legal and moral compliance.

    We partner with innovative companies in this space to ensure you’re protected.

  • Business resilience is critical. In the event of serious incidents or disasters it ensures protection of cashflow, client relationships and business reputation. Our audits will help you create a plan that ensures resilience, rapid recovery and ongoing future contingency security.

    We partner with innovative companies in this space to ensure you’re protected.

Our Industry Expertise

Technology & Innovation


Food & Drink

Manufacturing & Engineering

Hospitality & Events

Creative, Film & Media

Oil, Gas & Renewables


Foreign Direct Investment

Technology & Innovation • FinTech • Food & Drink • Manufacturing & Engineering • Hospitality & Events • Creative, Film & Media • Oil, Gas & Renewables • Financial • Foreign Direct Investment •

Contact us.